Celine Dion: What’s going on? A look into Human Design and Health
Have you seen the documentary ‘I am Celine Dion’ and thought, what on earth is going on?
How does someone go from living their best life, traveling around the world, sharing their greatest gift… to suffering with one of the most debilitating autoimmune conditions, stiff person syndrome, which is ‘triggered by her voice.’. Something so rare that most people had never heard of it before Celine’s shock diagnosis.
They’re healthy, the love singing, how does this happen?
Well… as you’ll know from my work, I'm interested and curious about stress, specifically emotional stress, and the stories, timelines and effects emotional stress has on our bodies when left ‘untreated.’
What I want to point out at this point is that I am not a doctor. I am not a trained medical professional. And I don’t know Celine Dion. All that is written here is designed to get people curious about the potential impact of stories, timelines and emotions and how they affect our physical health diagnosis and prognosis.
There is SO MUCH I could say on this. But I’ve tried to keep it to the main points as I saw in the documentary. I’ve used actual quotes from the documentary, as well as my own theories, to ask the questions. I believe we can learn a lot from people in the public eye about the physical impact of emotional stress… and that’s how I intend to share these findings.
So this is Celine Dion’s tropical human design chart. I emphasise the word tropical. Because what I’m seeing over and over again is this correlation between the tropical and sidereal charts, and how they actually form a bigger picture in terms of our health stories.
Many people within human design discount the use of Sidereal. It is my firm belief that sidereal contains the seeds, the keys, to our health, because sidereal is actually our soul blueprint, whereas tropical is our ‘human’ blueprint. We need to use tropical within this lifetime to unlock the potential of sidereal, but sidereal is the version of ourselves that will keep coming back, and back, and back. This is my opinion, of course, but it mirrors the stories I read and see with that inner vision cognition I have.
Enough background. Back to Celine.
There are three main things I want to speak about in this post.
The timeline of events that led to her diagnosis and
The secrets of sidereal
The diagnosis and the body communications
So let’s start at the beginning…
The Timeline of Events
For me, the secrets to all our health issues lie in the stories held within us. As I was watching the documentary and reading her wikipedia page to peice all of this together, my mind flagged these major dates:
“She began suffering mystery symptoms for 17 years before the diagnosis in August 2022.” So what was happening around 2005? Or on the lead up to 2005. When you dig a little deeper, from 2000-2010, fertility issues were the big theme of this time of her life. A period of transition as she moved from Maiden to Mother in the traditional timeline of a woman’s life. And in 2005, she would have been 37 years old, which astrologically got my alarm bells ringing, because it’s after your Saturn matures, but it’s also when your Pluto (opportunity for total transformation) kicks in to form the rest of the story of your life. Within her astrology chart, her Pluto sits in Virgo, which is called ‘the maiden reaping her harvest’ - hello fertility issues and not being able to ‘reap your harvest’ in a way you’d expect your body to be able to. In the 2nd house, the house of self worth (body doubts/body distrust being the shadow), family, speech and face.
So what can I take from that?
Well for me, considering that through the documentary she used terms like
“It all started with some voice issues 17 years ago” ~ with a deeply spiritual connection between the womb and the throat, this is quite significant I feel.
“In my recovery, I have to listen, not to my body, but to the people who I trust for my body.” This quote really shocked me to be honest. Reading between the lines, this screams of a deep distrust of her body, and an inability to connect to the needs of her own body. Outsourcing trust. That’s not to say you don’t use doctors or anything like that, but the biggest gift we have when it comes to our health, is our intuition. Think about all the times you just KNEW something was wrong with you, or what was causing it. And then imagine if you just ignored that and kept listening to others advice. Your body is eventually going to completely rebel to get your attention.
So thought one: this here is a deep disconnect and deep distrust in her bodies ability to protect and provide for her in a feminine energy way, and so it shuts down and almost ‘puts the shutter down’ as a way of protecting her during times of stress. Leaning on the more masculine traits and shunning the feminine ones.
Her husband died of throat cancer in 2016. In 2018 she was reported to be ill.
So in 2 years she’s gone so far ‘downhill’ that work becomes impossible.
What’s interesting when you consider Celine’s chart alongside her husbands, is that he had ALL centres defined. So where Celine was missing energy (the throat, ego (determination, motivation), third eye (neurological processing), and head (pressure/feeling and processing pressure), he ‘lent her’ that energy while they were together. So although she had illness, it would have been energetically processed when she was with him.
When he died? She lost her voice, her motivation, her neurological processing… and seemed to be more affected by pressure, or the pressure she put on herself. For me, as a human design geek, that’s alarming. She was with her husband throughout the whole of her singing career, and when he dies, her voice disappears? Come on.
At this point I want to highlight her digestion type. She is HIGH SOUND. So the way she would process information, emotion, stress, would be through HIGH SOUND. And watch the way she sings. The strain and stress in her throat. Which leads me onto my last timeline point…
So just to recap on thought two: her husband was helping to support her energetically, and when he passed, her ability to process in the same way changed (and therefore needs to change going forwards).
The maiden, mother, crone journey.
Some people shy away from these terms. Crone being seen as an old person with no value. This is SOOOOO NOT what a Crone is. Crone means crown. It is a woman who is in her Queen-dom. She is wise. She is valuable beyond mere looks. She is free and powerful.
One thing that happens with any singer, but especially women, is the voice changes. Now if you’ve built your entire career on this ‘high sound’ digestion, supported energetically by the people around you, and you feel like your voice and body starts to let you down, that’s one thing. But when you add natural aging of the voice into the process, to someone with a defined G centre (who has a very strong sense of identity and who they are), that’s a whole lotta grief. That’s a whole new skin you’ve got to shed. That’s a whole new identity you need to allow to be reborn from the ashes of the old one.
So thought three: her voice is naturally ageing with time and the deep grief of this, alongside the grief of her husband, and the loss of her energetic centres, and the shift in identity that’s needed is taking it’s time to work out. What it needs is deeply held support, in my opinion, and all I saw around her in the documentary was a masculine way of healing. Lots of pills and tablets. A sports science approach!? Celine needs care, a Crone to guide her into the next period of life and initiate her. To reclaim her feminine power and Crone-dom. Allow her to grieve her voice and be reborn. Because remember what I said about the Sidereal being the soul gift? Well my deep held belief is that Tropical is the thing we need to ‘master’ during this lifetime, but once we do, we unlock our true souls potential which lives in Sidereal… and remember how she’s high sound in tropical? And we’re talking about needing to grieve that to be able to be reborn and enjoy this Crone-dom… Well look at this…
Within sidereal, her voice not only becomes undefined rather than open, speaking of 33 - stories, 45 - bringing people together and 31 - leadership and influence… but her digestion flips from HIGH sound to LOW sound. A need to dial down the voice when she comes back to her soul gifts. Because by using high sound she’s already aligned to her soul. She’s completed it. It’s like she’s unlocked the next chapter but hasn’t stepped through the door yet. It’s time to rest and process those emotions (defined emotional centre). OOFTTTTTT come on. That’s insane, right!?
There are a few more things I want to leave you with.
My job usually allows me to ask more questions than I can give you answers. So let’s just consider these for a moment…
Within the scenes in the recording studio, we see her really struggling with her voice and then having a flare up of her condition. But in other scenes, and indeed after that episode, she seems to be able to sing really well. With an open pressure centre in her crown, could the self inflicted pressure of her perfectionism be impacting this condition?
She has outer vision as her greatest sense. You’ll see this through the whole documentary. Everything needs to ‘look good.’ It’s not about comfort or practicality, it’s about how things look. Could this also be adding to the pressure of her open crown and causing that neurological impact?
The outer vision has also helped her to disconnect from her body. In one scene we hear her talk about her love of shoes. She says “I will make them fit. What size is the shoe? I will make them fit, I will make my body fit the shoe, no matter how uncomfortable. Sometimes my toes would be gripping on…” If you’re telling your body, constantly, that how you look is more important that how you feel, your body is going to eventually rebel against all of that. Because whilst it’s constantly trying to get your attention, and you’re not listening to it in small ways, those small things build, and build, and build. Our words, and our thoughts, are powerful, and they’re telling a story to our body, our cells. What story are you telling your body, everyday?
How things sound is going to be hard for her to swallow. Sound = digestion. There needs to be some re-wiring here to let go of the perfectionism and give herself a break… easier said than done, I know.
“I need strength” was a sentence she used a few times, implying that strength lived outside of her body, and was invested in other things and other people. This sounds like something that needs emotionally addressing, building up her self worth and her courage and belief in herself, because she is FIERCE and strong… so much Leo energy within her natal birth chart. She has it in her, she just needs to embrace it.
She had a valium issue, constantly ‘numbing’ her body signals before the diagnosis of SPS came years down the line. What if those signs were listened to rather than numbed at the time? We shouldn’t be numbing our emotions or feelings in order to keep calm and carry on. They’re rising to be processed. It’s not about convenience, it’s literally a matter of health.
For me, this is a story of grief, or unprocessed grief.
Looking at her charts, the voice is asking to be grieved but also accepted for the beauty it can still bring to her and her life going forwards. Switching from high sound, very masculine in texture, to low sound, more feminine in flow, is a process that will need to be embraced.
She mentions ‘hope’ and having hope a lot, which is a transferred view from probability. She should be being surrounded with people who are realistic about her position and possibility, this isn’t about hope, this is about accepting the natural order and the natural process of the voice.
Grieving a body she feels like has let her down, from fertility to voice to SPS. Getting to know her body again and accepting it for the stage it’s in. Nurturing and nourishing it like you would a child. Becoming your own best friend.
Grieving the loss of parents and her husband and brother, all dying within this turbulent period of her life.
Grieving a way of life. Grieving having your identity and life built around this powerhouse voice.
Taking the pressure off the voice that’s open and so therefore completely influenced by pressure and environment.
This is a story of grief, all the forms of grief, and how when left unprocessed or ignored, it screams for your attention.
We must begin, as a whole society, to take emotions such as grief more seriously. This isn’t about losing loved ones, this is a whole spectrum of emotion that needs to be acknowledged, held, accepted and worked with.
I wish Celine so much love in her healing. She’s going to be around for a long time to come and help us to learn more about the link between stress, emotion and health.
Becky x
If you wish to have a 1:1 reading with me, I offer these to clients all over the world through zoom. You can find out more information here. A reminder, I am NOT a doctor, or medical professional at all, but I believe stories hold the key to our collective and individual healing, and I love to help people piece together the timeline and stories and beliefs held within your life story to enable you to digest life and become the best, healed version of yourself. Find out more here.
Looking to delve deeper?
To make long lasting changes?
To live in greater authenticity and alignment?
Private 1:1 readings are available via Zoom for clients in the UK, Europe, USA and Australia. Times listed on the calendar will be in the UK as I read from my home in rural Nottinghamshire. All sessions are recorded and can be watched back at anytime. And sessions can either be straight up Human Design, or you can combine astrology for a Soul Path or Year Ahead reading to understand the cycles, patterns and challenges you’re currently facing.
Life is a series of opportunities to grow. And your soul is here to grow… it’s time to listen to it.